

SDL and C++ on Windows 95 in tech
For people who still don't know where to go today.
The Trinitron on Film and Television
I like the Trinitron a lot. This page is dedicated to its appearances on film and television.
sunset in pulp
Do not question the sandwich.
This is Mew News, thanks for tuning in!
Digital8 adventures in tech
I had lots of time during quarantine. In fact, I still have!
Four-by-Three in pulp
Turning my room into a vintage technology warehouse.
continue? in pulp
Playing arcade games on vacation is right at 17th spot in the list of lonely loser activities you'll never regret having checked out.
Practical Hacking in pulp
Diving head-first into two cults at once. Everything I wanted to believe about free software and Denmark goes right down the drain.
Untitled Museum Post in pulp
Pretending to feel art and having fun with postcards.
senile in pulp
Becoming infected, with a twist.
Fridge in pulp
Tiny cheese rant.
T400 comments in pulp
Laughing at my dinosaur notebook.